More than just 'merch'
Robi has always ensured Cairngorm was a brand with a key focus on great quality merchandise, not just slapping logos on cheap tees and calling it a day. So the pairing of my production and design skills linked with Robi's vision has delivered a new injection of merchandise offerings. We're now always brewing new ideas up and the 'made to order' model is really benefitting their profits per item alongside the ability to release what they want whenever they want.
In-store art that pop
With a lot of events, updates and requirements for in-store branding, it's a very natural process to get fresh posters out to the stores each month or at any interval really. I work to design any new event or product posters alongside arranging the printing of said posters to then be displayed in the flagship Melville cafe and at other partner venues.
Menus don't have to be boring
Another benefit of sharing a production space is the spontaneity of fixes to problems most brands would just go along with. After Anna (the head of operations for Cairngorm) purchased some new display boards for holding menus in the cafe, we realised that A5 paper wasn't going to fit due to the shape of the boards. Therefore, I instantly stepped into gear in helping create a menu formatted for that exact shape, cut it using the Cricut and after all was approved, printed + cut another 24 menus to be placed on all the new boards.
Jack Macaulay
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